so a few days ago I was driving around with my daughter in the back of my Jeep. I don't know how she does it, but she finds a way to fall asleep with a loud exhaust and the top off. While I was driving through Bay Shore, I saw a gas station that was fenced in and borded up. I don't know why but I glanced over to read the grafetti on the wall. Maybe it was because there wasn't much to it. It was just two words. "Dream Well". I had to stop and take a picture. I got back into the car with my little girl and headed home.
You know it's funny, so many times I pass by words written in cement. It's usually someone's name or a date. My father actually placed his hand in a run off my grandfather made years ago, and that's there forever. It never really made any sense to me, but I guess it's some form of immortality. Leaving your mark for the world to see forever, or at least until the cement is gone. I commented once while walking that someone had chosen those moments to write FUCK in the ground. I love the word. I truly do. I think it's great and fun to use. Though I think if I was had that moment ( I've never been lucky enough to pass a slab of unattended, freshly poured cement) I wouldn't choose that word. I'd want to write something like a date, my daughter's name, or a slogan or something.
So back to "Dream Well". I found myself staring at my daughter through the rearview on the ride home thinking those two words over and over. Then I thought of how I'd love to tell her that and I want to remember it. So now, to those I love and care about I've decided to pass that information along. I am not sure why it hit me the way it did. Maybe it was because I've got a lot of great dreams up in my noggin, that at almost 30 years old are coming true, or at least seem closer to coming true. Maybe it's because there are a lot of them, that are still dreams. Maybe it's because I've said so much about living in the moment while you are doing things that I kind of forgot about how valuable little things like laying down at night and dreaming can be as well. So to quote a shirt I saw recently that because of these spray painted words of wisdom, I want even more.
carpe noctem