There jittery hands, are hard to slow tonight as I sit to type so I apologize to those who've asked for a new post ....
I've had a few too many thing happening lately to keep some in focus. One mainly being my blog. I've had a few posts here and there over the past month or so, but they've been minimal at best, and quite frankly my twitter tweets have been more up over the past week or so due to the ease of use. Now that i've got my ping.fm account agoin' it's hard NOT to keep a microblog. Which is kinda funny because that seems to be what everyone is interested in anyway. I find myself being asked about my status comments more than anything else on my page. Don't get me wrong I love social networking, I do.. I enjoy my blog, twitter, flickr, rejaw, last.fm, livejournal etc. accounts, but well you know how I feel about myspace ** see previous post ( myspacers that means on blogger).** Though do I think anyone actually gives a rats ass about what I write? Nah, not so much. Though I will tell you I find it entertaining when people read it and laugh, or find a phrase I write something they can relate to.
See I guess this has been my thing lately. There are sooooo many things out there with the social networks, blogs, microblogs, emails, ims texts, ezines it's hard to keep up. I know I shouldn't care. I mean really what do I care about the world reading my happenings as they happen? Though, I am sure there are a few who wouldn't mind to be able to check in on the daily doings of Vinny Capp and see whats up. I mean I know I'm not that interesting, but shit if you people will sit and watch “Rock of love” for an hour a week, SOMETHING I say/do has to be more entertaining. I don't know if this will go on the space or not. I tend to find myself saying things on my blog that might offend some of my fellow spacers, so I leave it be. I leave it here for the others to read, people who might stumble upon it waiting for me to say something inspiring or caring or loving or something to that effect. I don't know when that will come. I do know that one day though I am going to sit down and read all this shit and ask myself... “Self, what the FUCK were you doing writing this shit while you could have been out playing music, riding a bike, running, anything man?” Answer is, I need to get my thoughts out sometimes, they sit in here a little too long at times and I get worried that if they don't come out they may never come out. So tonight as I sit here with really nothing more to say than “I've got too many social networks” The fact of the matter is, it's yet tuesday again, and on tuesday nights I feel so much more lonely than I do any other moment of the week. Because right now, is the longest I have to wait for my daughter to come back, for the rest of the week. I know this took a different turn here, but well, it usually does at one point or another. I promise though... I will try to post a few more things up here, more frequently. I swear it!