ately it seems like I've been floating somewhere in a dream. I don't know if its a good dream or a bad one, though its definitely a mix between reality and nonreality. Im not sure where im goinng recently. I find myself stuttering on thoughts. Walking with my head down, not because I am ashamed or hanging my head, but because I need to focus on my toes following in the same path as my heels. When I think I've placed a finger on an idea it swifty moves away. Daydreams distract me from the brake lights infront of me. I find that my spinning head isnt understood by many. I tend to drift away while people are talking. Mostly to a good place but sometimes its a little scary there. I guess its normal when people go through stressing times they focus on smaller items rather than the ones at large. Its funny though i find grounding moments too. Driving down ocean parkway is always a way to settle any of my flighty patterns. Also spending time with daughter take pretty much any thought ive had and tosses it into some sort of "to be continued" bin. I hope that while these thoughts circle through my tiny little brain, the bigger picture doesnt get lost. I find myself standing taller lately too, dont get me wrong things arent all weird. They just are kinda like those space goblin spirits the scientologists believe in... Waiting to land somewhere. Ive got a great life with a fucking hell of a ride left and every smile laugh tear or frown is always noticed and accounted for and placed in a little memory. Its where i find myself as chopin plays and my fingers fly around the keys and i let go onto the virtual paper that may someday become a book of edited and proofed thoughts. eh who knows. maybe its just due to the change in weather and being constricted to being indoors and more clothing and having to retire my flip flops for the season. that's probably all it is, but over the past few years I've come to notice sharing these thoughts with you people and hearin " yeah