I like to consider myself a purist. I tend to believe that the original is usually better. I mean look at Willy Wonka, the book was amazing as a child, and the movie with Gene Wilder, was even better. Then along comes Tim Burton, and they make this new thing, that I will admit, mimics the book a lot better, but doesn't compare to the first flick at all. I find myself in this train of thought a lot lately. I mean seriously, "if it ain't broke .. don't fix it". I also find myself staring at television shows, wondering when someone is going to have an original idea again, so we can watch something other than three versions of C.S.I and yet another three versions of Law and Order. Yeah, yeah I know that it's due to the large amount of success that the original ones had, and they want to capitalize on it as much as possible, but come on, really? Three of each? Seriously? We need three hours a week of pretty much the same show?
So with that I've decided about two years ago to stop watching television unless it's on my TiVO, this way I can record shows that I like. Though now it seems my child has taken it over. I barely have room for Scrubs, with the countless amounts of Dora, Sponge Bob, and Blues Clues. It actually surprised me as well to find that this theory trickles over. They cannot leave well enough alone. Now I know things happen. Like Steve leaving and him leaving Blue to his cousin Joe, which by the way, happens to be the lamest companion of that poor dog, honestly what must be going through her poor little doggie head? "Steve understood me, this guy is a doofus" Ok so maybe that's my opinion, though it is my daughters as well. She refuses to watch that dorkus, and will only watch episodes with Steve in them. Though recently they came out with another show that features Blue that's a spin-off, yes a spin off of a freakin cartoon, making Blue a large puppet, who has her own room, in which she talks to everyone. Yeah you heard me right, she TALKS! See this is what I mean. It doesn't make any sense. I know that it's a kids show and maybe I'm going a little over board here, but why when the WHOLE point of Blues Clues is Blue having to convey what she wants to due through a series of clues marked by her paw prints to Steve, and now Joe, can they make a show where she can speak freely to whom ever is within her room. So, didn't anyone in the development of this new show, stand up and say "Hey wait a minute. If we make Blue able to talk in a room why the hell doesn't she just bring Joe in said room so she can tell him what the hell she wants to do, instead of running around throwing her dirty paw prints all over the place?"
So I guess all I'm trying to say is I wish there were more people out there that were willing to put themselves out on a ledge with an original idea they've thought of that might be taking a chance with and might risk failure, than make a sure thing that someone else did and they just put enough thought into it make different enough not to be the same.
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