So I spent the past 3 days being taught and tested on Mac OSX Leopard, yes I will admit I am pretty behind here and I am just getting on the bandwagon. I will say though, after a few days over a week with MacBook of my own to play with, and two amazing teachers showing me all the neato things I can do with it, I have to admit I am deeply looking into my finances and figuring ways I can come up with $1499.
I am not one to join a tribe of people just because it looks like fun. I have always been a fan of the sleek nature of macs and how they look. I also liked the fact that they seem to have a much larger capacity for naturally handling the things I seem to enjoy like music, graphic arts, and other creative outlets. Though I do NOT care for the price tag. After the last few days of being shown the things that really make a difference and WHY that price tag is so high. It seems well worth it now.
So there we go, it's official, I am a fanboy. I have become one of those people who will fight about how macs are far superior to windows. Though now, unlike the people that just enjoy the fact that they are white (which by the way is the one thing i REALLY don't like about them) and look pretty and the fact that "they don't get viruses" I have proof.