I seem to notice a few more things lately. I notice while sitting at an airport bar next to about 3 other people, no one seems to says hello to anyone anymore. Just the other night I was at a bar near my house. I was sitting having a few drinks. I was waiting for someone. While I waited I found myself talking to a few people. One of which was a man, obviously about 50 or so, just killing a few hours on his way home from work, or instead of coming home to his wife. Another was a woman, about my age, pissed off about her husband, or boyfriend, or whatever label it was they've placed on each other. The others were well, boring so i do not recall what they were like. it hear i realize that there are no more groupings of people wanting to surround themselves with humanity. It seems ironic i complain about such a thing in the middle of the airport waiting for the woman to call my flight, on a macbook, while surrounded by people I do not know, and could use to get to know. I am sure they have stories. BUt to be honest the only one that seems interesting is the woman that sits next to me. She sits writing in here book. I've glanced a few times to see what it is she's writting. I cannot completely figure it out. It seems to be a story of sorts, about her and something she's done. Though she is surrounded with her family. Her father sitting a few seats down from me, her mother across from him and her brother about 2 rows back. I mean seriously if it isn't for the family using of today holding us to a point that we could hold society to a standard of then who is it that we can go to later. I am not saying my family is fantastic, by any means. Though is there a reason that we cannot seem to entertain ourselves for more than 3 minutes without some sort of electronic device. Yes again, I know there are too many ironies. Though seriously. Can we worry about something other than our phones charge, or our laptops weight, or what song is playing on our ipod. I don't know. I guess i find myself wondering where it is that we stand in a society filled with beeps and batteries, when we cannot sit still within ourselves. I find my self listening to other peoples conversations and wishing i did not have to hear the silly mundane simpleminded things they are saying. We are wonderful creatures. We can ponder a great many things. IF we say took maybe a small amount of the time we place into worrying about the crap we do, like what tv show we are going to watch tonight, or what kind of thing we are going to place on our shoes in place of the holes in our crocs, or what kid of small piece of information about our favorite actress or actor we are going to fill our minds with, what if we thought about how to make a battery smaller? What if we thought about how to play an instrument? What if we thought about how to create something that we spark thought in another human being? Would that be far too much to ask out of a group of people complacent with sitting alone? Would that be too much to ask from someone that cant' handle just sitting alone in a room for more than 5 minutes without checking a myspace page? Honestly I think it will be. I think it has come to a point that our children will be no more than mindless walking media-lites, yea i don't know if that is a word but i use it for a nothing of a person that is just able to sit and watch tv and believe what it is they read in the paper, and see on the screen. I find it too often that i see too many people that cannot think for themselves. I hear people talk about what they saw on tv last night and it becomes their vision. I hear others talk about the latest video they saw against 9/11 and how it MUST be true because they saw a face in teh cloud of smoke on said video. I often wonder where the search for knowledge is in these people. I am not saying i've found these answers. I am not saying that I know where they are, and I am FOR sure not going to say that I have began to look for them in anyway. Though I will say that the questions I want answers to, well. I am on my way to finding out, or I have already answered. I myself know that in this day I can say that there is nothing that I do not know that I want to know, that I do not plan on finding the answer to tomorrow. I am sure there are a few things that will elude me with int eh next few days. I am sure there are ever more things that I will never know, but that is more than ok. Those are the things I leave for AJ to figure out.
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